۱۸ فروردین ۱۳۸۵


Two days ago I asked a man:"Excuse me,what time is it?"
He said "Are you french?"
- No, how come?
- Your english accent is french!
- I'm Persian
- Do many people speak french in Iran?
- Emmm, no! , I dont think so!, I dont know!
- But your accent is like frenchs!
[ey baba!!]
- Maybe because of persian and french similarities when you hear it...
- Oh! maybe...
- So you are french?
- I'm from Quebec
- Right
He showed the train station clock!

۲ نظر:

M گفت...

bah! in quebeci ha ta ostoralia pakhsh shodan?

Lmira گفت...

yeah, french phonetic resembles that of persian a lot! believe me!